Welcome to Our Home Page
Welcome to the official Web Site of the South Strand Lions Club of Surfside Beach in South Carolina. You will find information about our Club, Meetings, Membership, Philosophy, Civic and Fundraising endeavors. Thanks for visiting with us! New members who are interested in community service are always welcome! |
Shepherd of the Sea Community Center
The South Strand Lions Club meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. We meet at the Shepherd of the Sea community center.If you are interested in joining us in fellowship or in membership, please call secretary Rose Bartolomeo at 843-215-6718. Mailing address PO Box 15946, Surfside Beach, SC 29587 |
2637 Hwy 17 S, Garden City, SC. 29576
Upcoming Events
Blessing of the Inlet Broom Sales in Murrells Inlet at Belin United Methodist Church. First weekend in May. Music, vendors, community agencies and food!! Surfside Beach Family Festival in October. A street festival with music, crafts and food. The South Strand Surfside Beach Lions Club will be there. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be donated back to the community.
Annual Charity Golf Tournament to benefit local charities. There is a tournament in May. Call Lion Ed Wallace 484-919-9904.
The Club is celebrated its 40 th anniversary in March, 2024. |
2024/ 2025 officers and board members
Pictured are Past President Wanda Beneke, Tail twister Carol Green, President Steve Brigido, Zone chair Pam Ofsenik, Secretary Rose Bartolomeo, Lion Tamer Lawson Auld, Directors Gloris Fafard and Dave Mellon. Back row Treasurer Steve Barbour and Vice president Steve Griswold.